Two sad ghosts of Durham Castle

Durham Castle stands alongside the cathedral, separated by the building which is now a library. Both are beautiful buildings; the cathedral is renowned for its architectural beauty but the castle too has its own allure.
Castle and cathedral stand high above the River Wear. The Palace Green is lovingly tended and the sight which meets you as you reach the green is breathtaking.
The castle is home to some very lucky students during term time but it is still open to the public and host events such as weddings.
It is said that the castle is also home to at least two sad ghosts; the Grey Lady and the tragic spectre of Fredrick Copeman.
The ghost of the Grey Lady is reputed to be that of a 19th century bishop’s wife and is to be seen on the Black Staircase. Tradition has it that this lady fell to her death from the top of the staircase, though why is shrouded in mystery. Over the years, many students have reported sightings of her sad ghost as they climbed the staircase. You too may be lucky enough to see her when you climb the stairs on a guided tour of the castle.
In the 1800s, when the castle first opened to the public, one student, Fredrick Copeman was housed in the highest room in the castle. By all accounts, he was a star student and was very ambitious. On results day he was awake very early, eager to check the board on Palace Green. He searched for his name but to his horror and dismay, his name was not listed. Devastated, he returned to his room and believing he had failed his finals, he could be heard pacing back and forth, hour after hour before eventually taking his own life.
Tragically, it later became clear that in fact he had passed with flying colours. He was top of the first class degree students but his name had been covered and hidden by another piece of paper.
Still today, it is said that Fredrick’s anguished ghost can be heard pacing in his room, at the top of the castle.

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