A burning question

I have a host of questions I’d like to ask Anne Boleyn but the one I’d really like to ask, the single burning question on my mind is (in the words of a well known song) “If you had the chance to do it all again, would you?”
Of course, we’ll never know her answer but I’ve often played the conversation over in my mind. I imagine that with the benefit of hindsight, knowing that her only child would go on to become one of our greatest monarchs, she might be inclined to answer ‘Yes’.
Those last few weeks of her short life and even shorter time as queen, must have been truly terrifying but what we do know from those who witnessed them, is that she bore it all with fortitude and even occasionally with the renowned wit and humour she was famous for.
What is certain, in my opinion at least, is that she was innocent of all the charges against her. She was the victim of judicial murder. The simple truth is that Henry Vlll had tired of her and a second, messy divorce was out of the question, not least because they had changed the rules in order to marry, so she had to die BUT she had been instrumental in changing England forever. The Church of England came about because of this love affair and she remains one of our most influential queen consorts.
Knowing all of this might just have persuaded her that her tragic end was worth it. Her legacy is a great one and that is why I believe she WOULD do it all again.
I’d love to know what you think. Please let me know!

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