To believe or not to believe…….?

Do you believe in ghosts? It’s a question I’ve been asked many times, most recently in the wake of my book’s publication.
If anyone had asked me that question in my teens, the answer would have been an emphatic no! Even after my interest in them was piqued by my aunt’s birthday gift of A Christmas Carol, I didn’t really believe in them.
Then came an experience I have no explanation for; the episode of the rocking chair. Even now, I wonder was it all a figment of my imagination? I was, after all, staying in a rather grand old house, my fiancé’s family home. It was the kind of house that would surely have a ghost or two, if ghosts do indeed exist. So, waking up in the dark and listening to the strange creaking noise was unsettling. I reached out and switched on the bedside light and there in the corner by the old fireside, was the old chair rocking to and fro. Why can’t I say definitively it was just my imagination? Well, when I woke again the next morning, the bedside lamp was still on.
The second experience came much later and involved my dad, a solid, no nonsense man, ex army, ex police. He didn’t suffer fools gladly and the shared experience with him, while joyful and comforting, is still to this day something I can’t explain.
Both of these experiences have been fictionalised and appear in Winter Tales.
Have you experienced something you can’t explain? If you have and you wouldn’t mind me using your experience in a story please let me know!

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