
Book 2 is on the way!

I have received the exciting news that my second book of short stories of the supernatural is due for publication on 2nd February 2024!

A Night at McNab's Book Shop in Barnard Castle

Meet the Author We finally had our evening on Friday and what an immensely enjoyable and rewarding evening it was. Dark and atmospheric, so suitable for a book about ghosts, the shop felt warm a ........

Postponement Announcement Friday's Event at McNab's Bookshop

Hi everyone; unfortunately, Friday’s event at McNab’s Book shop has been postponed due to issues at the shop. As soon as I have a new date arranged, I’ll let everyone know.

Spine-Chilling Stories Await “Join Us for a Ghostly Evening with the Author on Friday the 13th”

Meet the Author event The rescheduled evening is now taking place on Friday the 13th October (suitably apt!), commencing at 7pm at McNab’s Book Shop, Market Place, Barnard Castle. The owners ar ........

Meet the Author rescheduled

The planned Meet the Author event has been rescheduled. The book shop has suggested that ghosts and the supernatural would be better in October when nights are darker and Halloween is approaching. Hop ........

Local Talent Takes Literary World by Storm: Debut Author Shines in Teesdale Mercury Feature

The Teesdale Mercury This week’s edition of the local paper features an article about my debut as an author. I’m really pleased with it and send a huge thank you to Martin Paul, senior journalist for ........

Local newspaper interview

I am meeting Martin Paul of The Teesdale Mercury on Thursday morning for an interview about my book. I will let you all know how it goes and the publication date! Meanwhile, I am going tomorrow to fin ........